Thursday, April 11, 2019

Room 2's ANZAC Stories

We have ANZAC Day because we celebrate the soldiers that died in the war and we wear poppies too.  My Dad’s Dad survived the war.  We go to the War Memorial and sing a sad song.  There were planes that dropped bombs.  That’s why we have ANZAC Day.
By Graysen

The soldiers were fighting in the war.  Some soldiers died.  We remember them.
By Jaxon

On ANZAC Day there is a War Memorial.  There are so many names on it.  They wear poppies to remember the people who died in the war and all of the soldiers wear medals because they were brave.
By Amelia

On ANZAC Day there is a dawn parade.  People wear poppies to remember the people who died.  They had medals because they were brave.
By Fox

The soldiers were fighting in the war.  Some people died in the war.
By Lockie

On ANZAC Day really early in the morning at dawn we have a dawn parade.  A dawn parade is at the War Memorial.  The War Memorial is a list of all the people who died in the war.  They built a trench to keep safe in the war.  But some died.  Why do we wear poppies?  Because where the people died there were poppies all around where they died.  Why do we have ANZAC Day?  Because we want to remember them for ANZAC Day.  They dug holes to put the dead people in.  They did the war for safety.  They went all the way to Gallipolli.  They built a statue.
By Zaria

A long time ago there was a fight in the war and lots of people died and some people lived.  The people who lived they did not like the people who died.
By Pepe

On ANZAC Day there was a ceremony because 104 years ago there was a war.  They had it in Gallipoli.  They had a trench to protect them.  They had a lot of guns.  It was hard for them.  In Clive there is a War Memorial and it has all the people’s names who died in the war.  In the place where they were having the war there were poppies growing in the field so that is why we wear poppies on ANZAC Day.
By Pippa

In New Zealand we have ANZAC Day because other countries were fighting over land.  So the Prime Minister said “We have to fight in the war”.
So they did.  But they don’t fight on ANZAC Day.  On ANZAC Day we celebrate to remember the people that didn’t survive in the war.  We wear poppies because poppies grew where the soldiers died.  I wish soldiers didn’t die.  It’s so sad!
By Makaia

On ANZAC Day we wear poppies.  On the War Memorial there are heaps of names on it.  The people that died were in a big field.  The soldiers that went to war had to go on a boat.  When they got there the other soldiers killed the soldiers as they came off the boat.
By Caleb

On ANZAC Day the fight was hard.  Some people died.  We wear poppies because the soldiers died in the field and poppies grew in the fields around them.  Some families and soldiers wear medals.
By Beau

On ANZAC Day they fought over an island.  So they had to have a war.  It was very sad.  People were crying.  There were lots of soldiers.  On a cushion there is a trumpet.  The soldiers had sores all over their legs.  It hurt them.
By Bella

On ANZAC Day there is a dawn parade.  They play a trumpet.  People say a karakia.  We remember the soldiers that died at war.
By Kenzey

In New Zealand we have ANZAC Day because there was a ceremony.  104 years ago there was a war.  We wear poppies to remember the people who died.  When the war happened they built trenches to protect them. We have a War Memorial in Clive.  A War Memorial is a statue that has the names of the people that died.  They fought in Gallipoli.  Some of the people died.
By Erin

A long time ago there was a war and lots of people got shot.  The person who made up the war was called Hitler.  He was a horrible person and after a long time we have ANZAC Day.  On the War Memorial are the names of soldiers that died and we wear poppies because a lot of people died in a field and there was poppies growing in that field and in the war they had trenches to survive easier but lots of people died.
By Briar

On ANZAC Day we give the soldiers that died in the war a poppy.  We take a poppy out of the basket and then we wear it.  It is to remember the people who died in the war.  Soldiers were wearing a medal.  They wear a poppy because there were poppies growing in the field that the people died in.  It is a very sad story.
By Eden

On ANZAC Day we wear poppies to remember the people that died.  The people that died were in a trench.  Some people survived the battle.  People were working hard to not let them take New Zealand.
By Dexy

On ANZAC Day we wear poppies to remember the people that died and there was an army.  They wear medals because they were brave.  104 years ago and some of the army people were still alive.  They had guns to keep them safe.
By Koby

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